Pathology Case Review: Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma in a Cat
I just had this case come across my desk that I had to share. 11 year old CAT with a perianal mass that extends from the anal sac to the underside of the tail.
This is one of the submitted photos from the mass:
These cells have a neuroendocrine appearance. A "neuroendocrine appearance" means the cells look like a bunch of bare nuclei in a sea of cytoplasm, and you can also make out pseudoacinar structures which look like little rings of nuclei:
This is consistent with anal sac adenocarcinoma!
I diagnose this on the regular in dogs, but it is quite rare in cats.
Here is a paper from JAVMA 2019 reporting on anal sac adenocarcinoma in 30 cats:
About the Author: Kate Baker, DVM, MS, DACVP (Clinical Pathology)

Dr. Kate Baker grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and completed her DVM at the University of Tennessee in 2012. She then went on to complete a small animal rotating internship and then a clinical pathology residency and Masters degree at the University of Illinois. Dr. Baker became board certified in 2016 and currently works as an educator, diagnostician, and consultant. Her professional passion is creating resources and experiences for veterinarians to learn and thrive in practice.
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